My friends over at Alternating Current and Propaganda Press have announced the release of the newest book in their Pocket Protector Mini-Chap Series. It's a great idea, and these folks are doing wonderful work to support independent writers. Here's their release:
Ice Age
by David S. Pointer
$3.50 [includes US shipping; out of country add $2]

Ice Age is David S. Pointer's most recent masterpiece of social commentary and eye-opening honesty, now available from Propaganda Press. The newest poetry collection from this veteran poet maudit is book three in our Pocket Protector mini-chapbook series and will not disappoint in being a telling and lasting remark on our current government, economy, society, and way of life. Touching largely on the separation of classes, the understanding of order and place in our current system, the substandard living environments of substandard people, and what the hierarchy does (or doesn't do!) about it all. This collection is Pointer at his sharpest and most insightful, jamming 40 poems into this small pocket-sized book, each one a dagger of wit, keen observation, intelligence, and stunning imagery. An absolute must-have for your collection! All authors on our press receive royalties for each copy sold, so your purchase goes to support David directly!
Purchase this book via well-concealed cash/check/money order (made out to Alternating Current) and mail to Alternating Current, PO Box 398058, Cambridge MA 02139 USA; or via PayPal to the email address; or purchase online at [available online in mid-October!]. Only $3.50, includes domestic shipping (out-of-USA add $2 shipping).
And what is the Pocket Protector mini-chap series, you ask? Well, it is a series of teeny tiny poetry books, so small they can fit in any pocket, available for a super great price. Poets are chosen by invitation only, and a new book featuring a new poet comes out once a month.
Get a SUBSCRIPTION starting with David's book!
One-year [12 books] for $30
Two-year [24 books] for $45
Special deals:
*ONE FREE random chapbook from the archives with each purchase.
*Purchase a subscription, and we'll throw in a bonus pack of several random chapbooks from the archives.
*GET ALL THREE Pocket Protectors in the collection [including David S. Pointer's Ice Age, Ed Galing's Scribbles, and leah angstman's an alien here] for one low price of $7 !!! [includes US shipping; out-of-country add $2 shipping]
Please do not ask for comped or traded copies of the book, as this is an unaffordable request that hurts both the author and our press. If you are willing to review this book or get the material in local stores, libraries, or zine collections, please contact us, and we will gladly negotiate. Support the small press!
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